Prepping the home for winter is non-negotiable here. Unfortunately, you can’t just ignore your property’s snow removal obligation—unless you want to face the icy death trap spawned upon your sidewalks…
Imagine your Monday morning without morning coffee. Without showers, would your friends still get along with you and your stench? Try entertaining kids at home all summer without water-based outdoor…
Spring in Minnesota: an exhilarating time of year for green-thumbed snowbirds looking to defrost. But before you’re overcome by spring fever, take a closer look at how you’re servicing your…
There may be such a thing as drinking water that’s too clean. Just ask the residents of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, who are experiencing a water crisis with their newly implemented…
If you're on the fence about getting a water softener, make sure you've read about the benefits; If you're a new water softener owner, we hope you're enjoying the luxurious…
ATTN EARLY TRICK-OR-TREATERS: Stop by the shop before 5 p.m. today for a sweet deal!!! We hope Halloween 2K16 is sweet, safe, everything you could have dreamed of and MORE…
Alright, alright, alright. I know what you're thinking... What's with Peterson Salt's blog deficiency? When are they offering another special??? Is Water Word Wednesday still a thing???? Well, friends,…
We talk smack about hard water almost all the time, we admit it. But there is something worse than hard water... And that's no water. If there is one thing you need to be able to…
After more than 40 years of serving the Hopkins Community the windows are now dark in a familiar little shop just south of downtown. After a change in ownership in…